Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 08:20 +0200, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

[Sorry if I completly miss the point but as skinconf bothered me some hours a few weeks ago I can't resist on commenting on this]

:) Cheers for your comments, you hit the nail on the head!

Concur. It's very nice to hear from you here :-)

So far this isn't really difficult. But, it becomes interesting if you want to have all those repos having the same look without manually copy files around but this is a problem as skinconf contains project specific information and information how the final docs are styled.

I ended up in using XML entities

IIUC it's about sharing the skinconf between projects.

I haven't had a look at plugins yet (sorry, I'm still using Forrest 0.6) - if
I share your opinion that in the current skinconf we are mixing project
specific information and look & feel. That was one point to start the
discussion again.

Having your link in mind we have &heading; &extracss;

as common components. IMO this components should be defined in a global
file. Besides this global file we can have view specific configuration.
I personally see the cocoon blocks a specific view on the cocoon

It seems that the separation that you are proposing is more theorical than practical, as it does not solve an actual need.

Also IIUC this is not what it's about... that is sharing part of the skinconf between many Forrest-based sites.

Instead, I would concentrate on one or more of the following:

- having a sort of "import" of the values of another skinconf, as Ant's <import>. In this way a skinconf can use the values from another one, and add or redefine just the values it needs.

- making a skin have a default skinconf that can be overridden: in this way, all Apache could have an Apache skin with the copyright already set, and a consistent look;

 - making it possible to render in a single site many subsites together.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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