David Crossley wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > We have now been allocated a zone on the new server.
> > So we need to define our goals and then start setting up
> > some demo servers. We should get out of this RT thread
> > and start planning. But lets concentrate on the 0.7
> > release first.
> What do people think about setting up our zone now?
> It would actually be a good way to test our upcoming release.
> I can create an account for any forrest committers.

Okay, accounts are set up for antonio, rgardler, cheche.
When any other committers want one, then ask me.

So you need to scp your key to forrest.zones.apache.org
Then you can ssh in, change your password, and configure
your account. Any difficulties, then ask on our "dev" list.

This page will help:

I have not created any UNIX groups yet. We are all in the
default group "other".


Now to start a little planning, so that we can get on
with testing.

I have a forrestbot (just the cron side of it, not the
user interface) running in my home directory to help the
Cocoon people with the generation of their development
documentation for their trunk. Later that will probably move
to the shared zone being proposed on the site-dev mail list
as we don't want to be providing ad-hoc infrastructure services
for other projects (unless it is planned to be so).

So what services do we want to establish?

We would need either Tomcat or Jira so that we can test
our webapp in a servlet container. We also would run the
forrestbot webapp interface there, probably building the
"seed site" and maybe our trunk website.

We already have an Apache HTTP Server 2.0 on port 80.
I suppose that we would use ProxyPass etc. to hide the
servlet container.

How do we make people aware that this is not our production
website? I have already added a robots.txt to keep the
honourable ones out.


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