David Crossley wrote:
Here is my proposal for the release plan. If people have
any concerns with the plan, then please raise them now.

Code freeze and testing starts on Sunday 2005-06-12 at 14:00 UTC [1].

During "code freeze" we cannot add any new functionality, just bug
fixes and documentation tweaks [4].

Does this also apply to the locationmap branch, that is "branch" in note [4] means the release branch and trunk, it has nothing to do with other branches.

We create the release candidates for both Windows and UNIX on
this day and start the vote. Don't bother voting until towards
the end of the week, because we might need a new release candidate.

If any changes have been made during the week [4] then we create
another set of release candidates on Friday 2005-06-17 at 22:00 UTC [2]
to give people time to verify the signatures and checksums and to do
final tests. Between now and the release date there must no changes
to SVN. If any are absolutely necessary, then we delay the release date
and do another set of release candidates.

Actual release date is Sunday 2005-06-19 at 14:00 UTC [3] then wait
for the mirrors to receive it before sending the announcements.


This text should go into a template for the release process, I find it very clear.





[4] If committers make changes to SVN during code-freeze, then
they must be made to both trunk and branch.


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