Thorsten Scherler wrote:
forrest:views will change the way we are processing a request.

Please explain why your example below changes the *way* we process a request:

<forrest:contract name="content-feeder">
    <forrest:properties contract="content-feeder">
      <forrest:property name="content-feeder"

My point is that I can already do the this same processing with:
    <xi:include src="/feeds/somefeed.xml"/>

(NOTE: this mail is about the processing of a request, of course forrest:views provides many advantages over the xi:include approach with respect to theming)

Let me expand:

The current processing of an xi:include would look a little like this:

forrest core -> doc src -> skin -> output
           |        /|\
           |         |
           |         `---------------------.
           |                               |
           `- forest core -> included src -'

The processing using views would look a little like this:

forrest core -> doc src -> theme -> output
                |   /|\
                |    |
                |    `---- included src ---.
               \|/                          |
               forrest:view -> forest core -'

All that I can see that is changing is that in views the included src is identified in a contract rather than in the original src document. I agree that this allows us to separate the role of site designer and content author, and this is great, but I do not see how this changes our processing other than adding a new configuration location.

I'm afraid I'm just not getting the significance of what you are saying.


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