HANAX wrote:
HANAX wrote:


What you need to do is create new contract that adds stuff to the head section of the page. An example of such a contract is at [1]. This simply adds some info to the head section. This contract is used in the view defined in voice.fv (i.e. the view for your plugin).

Sorry, but I lost at earlier point. I understand that these file are somehow 
important in process, but I don't know the basics. I try to explain with my 

Did you read the threads I pointed you to earlier in this thread?

1. I have my voice plugin with latest codes from SVN
2. I have my site, which I seeded when I started in Forrest.
3. When I "forrest run" it it shows now look and works OK


Now questions:
1. What are the primary changes that makes site look diferent? I don't mean 
files, i mean what is the idea.

This is what the threads I linked to earlier are intended to explain, in particular see the threads linked in http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=forrest-dev&m=112655997316210&w=2

Also see the diffs linked to in http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=forrest-dev&m=112662089521916&w=2. These diffs are how we enabled views in the voice plugin.

Also see the docs at http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_80/howto/howto-view-install.html (although be aware that these have not been kept up to date with the view implementation, they are, however, still useful)

Don't miss the "further reading" section at the end.

2. If there are views, where is the code that tells "use views to render site"?

Hopefully the above docs will explain. The key componnents are the two plugins that are enabled in the process.

3. If I write my own contract, where to place it? How it is involved in process?

They go in the "templates" directory in the root of your plugin (see the Resume plugin for examples).

To enable it, as I said above, you simply defiine it in your view definiiton file, which in your case if voice.fv - you can see it in the SVN commits linked to in one of the messages above.

Generally, I miss informations about upper level ideas about structure of view, its 
components and relations to other thing. I know that they are internal plugins but maybe 
that is the problem, because now I still think in "output plugin way" and miss 
the keypoint diferences.

This is all addressed in the views terminology thread in the first link above.

I still think there is a simple manual which explaint "what the heck views are" 
:) I've already read mailinglist archive but still no idea, no light :) The main problem 
for me are examples, please, give me some examples of simple sites there are rendered 
using views and points how that views are used there... I'm sorry byt really I'm no so 
smart in way of understanding new things without examples.

I'm afraid there is no manual. Views are a moving target. I've linked to the most valuable resources I can think of above. I've also provided examples in the voice plugin and linked directly to SVN to show you other examples. However, views are a difficult thing to understand, do not be disheartened by the fact that you feel you are "not smart enough" it has taken the rest of us a long time to understand views. It is nothing to do with you it is a lack of "a simple manual" as you say.

I would recomend a first step is just to create your own version of this plugin that adds a new meta tag saying that the voice plugin has been there. Later we will use your stylesheets to create the real plugin.

Ok, this seems that I need to rewrite some simple files and change it to voice 
plugin or use voice plugin there?
Sorry, I'am still lost... I have really big troubles to explain what can't I 
undertand :( Sorry.

No problem. I will create the contract to put some meta informatio into head and commit it to the voice plugin. This will, hopefully serve as an example for you. We can then guide you on porting your XSLT to that contract.


[1] http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/forrest/trunk/whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.viewHelper.xhtml/resources/templates/siteinfo-meta.ft?rev=280280&view=markup

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