Hi devs,

I found this Forrest plugin at the Forrest site. If you guys have a moment to spare I'd really appreciate your advice.

I'm a complete newbie to Forrest, the only things I know how to do is to fill in the blanks in the default site xdocs and generate static html. It's not much, I'm afraid.

Now, I need to index the content of a Forrest site in Solr, using a custom schema - e.g. the "id" in my case should be equivalent to the full URL of the page of the deployed site.

First, I'm stuck conceptually - sitting in the top-level dir of the forrest site, what is it that I have to do to produce a file with the Solr <add> documents? I already added the Solr output plugin to skinconf.xml. I discovered that I can get this via webapp, but I'd rather not actually run the webapp.

Second, how can I modify the schema of the produced documents, so that e.g. the id is the full URL - a configurable root URL plus the page name, and so that I can add other metadata to the docs?

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide!

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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