On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 17:19 +0100, Andrzej Bialecki wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> >>> Actually did you run "forrest" and not "forrest run". If the page is
> >>> link from your pages then it will created static. No extra work no
> >>> further configuration.
> >> I did run "forrest", and all other static pages have been created. Where 
> >> should I expect the solr docs? alongside the html/pdf docs?
> > 
> > http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_90/your-project.html
> > 
> > http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_90/linking.html
> > 
> > All files that are linked from either
> > - site.xml
> > - tab.xml
> > - anyOtherXmlHavingALinkToTheDoc.html
> > are genrated along the e.g. html file in the path they are defined by
> > the link.
> Yes, this is clear, but I don't understand how this is relevant to my 
> question. Does it mean that I should add <a href="index.solr.add"> in 
> one of my documents?

If you want to generate the solr add pages when generating the site then
yes every page should have a link to itself but as .solr extension. This
way forrest automatically will generate this pages, when generating the
rest of the site.

> > 
> > If you run forrest in the solr plugin it will actually connect to your
> > solr server and inject the documents.
> I don't understand what you're saying - what does it mean to "run 
> forrest in the solr plugin"?

cd whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.solr/

This will generate the static site.

> >  
> > You will find index.solr.add in build/site/.
> Apparently I'm still missing some vital step - after building the site I 
> can see index.html and index.pdf, but no index.solr.add .

since you did not added links, right?

Are you using the dispatcher or skins?

> > 
> >>> Makes me curious why you need a static index-creation.solr.add and why
> >>> not using directly
> >>> and let forrest inject the document.
> >> Because I want to control myself when and how the documents are 
> >> submitted to Solr.
> > 
> > ok, you can do the first one as well with forrest and the second with
> > limitation. 
> Sorry, this really doesn't answer my question - you assume that I can 
> keep forrest running and use it to submit Solr documents, which I don't 
> want to do for various reasons. In such case, is it possible to generate 
> the Solr docs statically, or not?

No, you did not understand. I do not assume a running instance of
forrest. When you create your documentation statically the solr server
will be updated as well. 

The dynamic mode allows you to update specific pages. The static the
whole bunch.


Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>