
lately I've been reading a lot, struggling with the problem and I've
now a better understanding of what the real issue is. My description
was not correct. Tabs with no content (other than the file referenced
by indexfile attribute) are not expanded when they are selected and do
not show an empty menu. What is happening is that the round bottom of
navigation menus is *always* added to the bottom of the selected tab,
even if no menu has been expanded (it doesn't happen with the skin

I realized of that when I was editing a local copy of
pelt-html.leftbar.panel.xml in order to do some customisations of my
website. So I think that the essence of the problem is that the
nav-section-round-bottom contract should be able to find out if a menu
is being displayed (with whatever content, toc, message of the day...)
or not. Unfortunately I don't know how to achieve this goal (it seems
to me a complex task).

In my website I've both tabs with menus and tabs without menus, so
commenting out the call to the nav-section-round-bottom contract
doesn't work for me. In summary, I still need help.

On the other hand, although I've been reading a lot (including the
tips section about this topic) maybe I've not doing something obvious
or maybe there is a simpler way for doing what I want. If this is the
case, please tell me.


PS: the site.xml and tabs.xml included in my previous mail are not
very important, you can reproduce the problem yourself with much
simpler files.

2009/3/31 David Crossley <cross...@apache.org>:
> Vicent Mas wrote:
>> I'm a newbie. I recently intalled forrest-0.90 from svn and started playing
>> with it. First I tried the skin approach. After some reading, I decided that
>> using dispatcher was the way to go so I did. Now I've some problems that
>> I don't know how to fix.
> Sorry, i don't have time yet to review your tabs and site config.
> Have you seen the tips about this general topic?
> http://forrest.apache.org/faq.html#tab-site
> -David

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