On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 16:41 +0200, Vicent Mas wrote:
> Hi,
> finally I've fixed my problem. In my customisation layer I've done the
> following changes:
> - in pelt-html.leftbar.panel.xml I've commented out the call to the
> nav-section-round-bottom contract
> - in nav-section.ft, I've added a template with the same functionality than 
> the
> nav-section-round-bottom contract. I've added too a conditional call to this
> template: it is called from <xsl:template match='/'> when the condition
> <xsl:if test="$nav-section/navigation/menu != ''"> is fulfilled
> In a few words, if a tab doesn't contain a navigation menu then the bottom is
> not rounded. Probably this can be achieved in a much easier way (it works
> fine if I use the skinconfig approach instead of the dispatcher) but, as a 
> good
> newbie, I cannot find it. Please tell me if you know a better solution.

To give you a quick feedback, please can you send/point me to the
responsible code in skins that work.

You should be able to do exactly the same in the dispatcher then in
skins. It seems some devs fixed the skins but did not apply the fix to
the dispatcher.

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>

Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad 
de la InformaciĆ³n, S.A.U. (SADESI)