
> Hi Vicent,
> normally Ross points out the importance to NOT TOP POST!
> Why?
> http://www.caliburn.nl/topposting.html
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style
> "A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?"

Sorry, I simply didn't know about the preferred style in this mailing list. As
a user of gmail I'm used to top posting. Anyway, is the recommendation against
top posting somewhere in the forrest website? I've not seen such recommendation
in the Mailing lists section (it may be my fault). A few lines there
could save Ross
lots of work.

>> ...

> > To give you a quick feedback, please can you send/point me to the
> > responsible code in skins that work.
>> ...
> Meaning please see the code of skins that's treats this part of the
> navigation. Further please point me to the dispatcher contract that you
> patched. I am sorry that ATM I cannot be a bigger help and debug it
> myself, but too much other commitments are eating my time.

I've not yet looked at the skins code (I'm very busy here too). As I said in
my previous mails:

- in pelt-html.leftbar.panel.xml I've commented out the call to the
nav-section-round-bottom contract
- in nav-section.ft, I've added a template with the same functionality than the
nav-section-round-bottom contract. I've added too a conditional call to this
template: it is called from <xsl:template match='/'> when the condition
<xsl:if test="$nav-section/navigation/menu != ''"> is fulfilled

My patched version is attached.

Thanks a lot for your advices and for your time.


> salu2
> --
> Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
> Open Source <consulting, training and solutions>

Share what you know, learn what you don't.

Attachment: custom-nav-section.ft
Description: Binary data