In our current security model, a user with DATA:MANAGE can create regions,
create disk stores, WAN gateways etc. I think this is a very wide scope,
because an administrator may want to give create region privilege to a
developer, but not necessarily give them the ability to create disk stores
or send the data in that region over WAN. I propose that we refine the
security model to make it finer grained.

I propose that Disk, WAN and AsyncQueue be treated as resources in the
security framework. These resources will be controlled at the CLUSTER
level. As with any other resource, admins will be able to grant READ, WRITE
and MANAGE permissions to these resources. In terms of shiro, this will

Here is how it will work out for each resource:
1. CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK - allows users to create/manage disk stores
2. CLUSTER:WRITE:DISK - allows users to create regions that write/overflow
to disk stores
3. CLUSTER:READ:DISK - should be covered by DATA:READ, does not make sense

1. CLUSTER:MANAGE:WAN - allows users to create gateway senders and receivers
2. CLUSTER:WRITE:WAN - allows users to create regions that write data to
gateway senders
3. CLUSTER:READ:WAN - allows users to create regions that read data from
gateway receivers

We can add other things like functions here as well.


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