On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 1:49 PM Nick Reich <nre...@pivotal.io> wrote:

> The idea of deprecating —file in favor of path is interesting. I wonder if
> instead of making them mutually exclusive to start, having —path be able to
> support both modes from the start would be better? That way —file could
> still be used for the existing mode, but —path could be used instead (and
> override —file is both given?): that would provide a clear path forward for
> how the command should be used, while fully supporting existing workflows.

This is what I meant by deprecating. Maybe even providing a message that if
--file is set that it is deprecated for --path.

> We need to continue to support both modes, as only Partitioned Regions can
> make use of parallel export (it is parallelized on a bucket level).

Ok, so why not just make parallel the only mode for partitioned. Then you
remove the need for --parallel and --path would work for any region,
non-partitioned would create a single file at that path and partitioned
would create several? I am all for less options. ;)


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