The concept of "deprecating" need to be rethought. Deprecating something
for an entire major release isn't helpful to anyone. The user still expects
it to work. Developers give it no love or attention. Things break. Then the
next release when it is pulled the user has to update their code anyway. It
seems rather pointless to keep something like this around if you know you
won't support it and the next release will drop it any.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 12:03 PM Michael Stolz <> wrote:

> Yeah this is actually pretty common, but I think they could get the same
> behavior just by naming the regions appropriately.
> Subregions are used by at least a handful of financial services users.
> I still think we ought to deprecate them, keep them in for awhile but plan
> to kill them off in a year or so.

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