
Thanks for the info... Anyone have an issue with pursuing this option? If not I will open the JIRA..


Jacek Laskowski wrote:
Dave Colasurdo wrote:

GERONIMO-1087 and GERONIMO-1088 JIRAs were opened to introduce the Tomcat examples into Geronimo. I believe it is important to get these introduced into the distributions (as default samples) for v1.

There are a few different ways to approach this:

1) Ask Tomcat to create a war file for servlet-examples and jsp-examples and post it to We pick up this dependency during our build and include it in the appropriate distributions.

During the first days of the task of Tomcat embedding into Geronimo, I had the same concern about Tomcat's jars being available in Maven repo (i.e. I asked Tomcat developers to upload the jars Geronimo uses (c.f.[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=2020897). So, whenever a new Tomcat version is released, its jars are published to manually. There's no process to do it automatically.

That's the only way to get around it. Any ASF committer can do it, just create a JIRA item and one will pick it up.



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