Actually thinking about this further, i'm not so sure stripping out DojoX
would be a good idea.  DojoX has a lot features, and i realize we aren't
using them now.  But thinking about it the process of stripping down DojoX
to just the components in Monitoring might be a maintenance nightmare.
Taking a deeper look, there are a lot of dependencies and trails that you
have to follow in the js files to completely separate out functioning pieces
of dojox.  In addition, if anyone were to add a another dojox feature, we'd
have to follow suite with stripping out that component exclusively to
achieve a small package size.  Thoughts?

-Joseph Leong

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Joseph Leong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jason,
> I agree with that approach.  The widget and other components are the
> mainstream features.  In efforts to reducing the size and to support the
> monitoring features , i don't see why not just leave the charting features.
> Does anyone else see a problem with this?
> -Joseph Leong
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Jason Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Joe,
>> Is it possible to pull in just the dojox charting features?  I think the
>> main driving factor of this is to drop dojox as that is 80% of the weight
>> that would be dropped.  If we can't keep just the charting features, then
>> we're going to have to keep all of dojox or change how the monitoring plugin
>> draws the graphs (I assume that's what it's used for).
>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Joseph Leong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Shrey,
>>> I think that makes a lot of sense, especially with the tests and demos.
>>> My only comment is i believe the monitoring plugin may use some of the DojoX
>>> charting features.  However, after doing some research with dojo and AG
>>> regarding the 0.4->1.1.1 conversion i think that was the only plugin with
>>> dojox issues.  Other than that, great idea on reducing the dojo footprint.
>>> -Joseph Leong
>>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Lin Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi, what you propose makes sense to me.  Can you suggest the best way
>>>> to achieve this, possibly in a JIRA with a patch?
>>>> Thanks, Lin
>>>> On 6/26/08, Shrey Banga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> > Hi all,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've been working on the EAR PlanCreator and I've observed that dojo
>>>> is
>>>> > shipped with all the demos, tests and experimental widgets in place,
>>>> causing
>>>> > the folder to be about 12.8 MB on the expanded server (2.2-SNAPSHOT).
>>>> >  Looking at the various folders, I think we can achieve significant
>>>> > reduction in the dojo footprint and eventually of the server itself by
>>>> > removing the following components:
>>>> > dojo/tests - 579 KB
>>>> > dijit/tests - 551 KB
>>>> >  dijit/demos - 909 KB
>>>> > dojox - 6.82 MB
>>>> >
>>>> > From a geronimo user's perspective, the tests suite is not of much use
>>>> as
>>>> > they are meant to test the widgets provided by dojo itself which can
>>>> be
>>>> > tested by separately downloading the given release instead of shipping
>>>> it
>>>> > with the server. Similarly, the demos, which are used to exhibit
>>>> dojo's
>>>> > capabilities, can be run directly from dojo's website or downloaded
>>>> and run
>>>> > locally without the server. Also, people trying to learn from the
>>>> demos tend
>>>> > to use the css provided for the purpose of the demo, which is not
>>>> > recommended.
>>>> >  My rationale for removing the dojox is that these are marked as
>>>> > experimental by the dojo community and although some components are
>>>> used
>>>> > often, keeping 6.8 MBs of code that is still experimental does not
>>>> make
>>>> > sense. It is better to trust the dojo community to shift components
>>>> from
>>>> > experimental to stable areas and then use them in further releases.
>>>> >
>>>> > Removing the stated components frees up about 8.7 MBs of space on the
>>>> > expanded server, which is huge for a javascript library. Since a
>>>> Geronimo
>>>> > user can still include these components into his/her webapp we're not
>>>> really
>>>> > stopping them from using these components, only transferring the
>>>> overhead of
>>>> > using the lesser used components onto the user.
>>>> >  --
>>>> > Shrey Banga
>>>> > Bachelor of Technology, III year
>>>> > Department of Electrical Engineering
>>>> > Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
>> --
>> ~Jason Warner

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