Here is the link to creating a custom Dojo package/build -

I would rather include all the dojox components, so we don't have to keep rebuilding as we pickup new releases or add new features to the console or samples...


Shrey Banga wrote:
Hi all,

I've been working on the EAR PlanCreator and I've observed that dojo is shipped with all the demos, tests and experimental widgets in place, causing the folder to be about 12.8 MB on the expanded server (2.2-SNAPSHOT). Looking at the various folders, I think we can achieve significant reduction in the dojo footprint and eventually of the server itself by removing the following components:
dojo/tests - 579 KB
dijit/tests - 551 KB
dijit/demos - 909 KB
dojox - 6.82 MB

From a geronimo user's perspective, the tests suite is not of much use as they are meant to test the widgets provided by dojo itself which can be tested by separately downloading the given release instead of shipping it with the server. Similarly, the demos, which are used to exhibit dojo's capabilities, can be run directly from dojo's website or downloaded and run locally without the server. Also, people trying to learn from the demos tend to use the css provided for the purpose of the demo, which is not recommended. My rationale for removing the dojox is that these are marked as experimental by the dojo community and although some components are used often, keeping 6.8 MBs of code that is still experimental does not make sense. It is better to trust the dojo community to shift components from experimental to stable areas and then use them in further releases.

Removing the stated components frees up about 8.7 MBs of space on the expanded server, which is huge for a javascript library. Since a Geronimo user can still include these components into his/her webapp we're not really stopping them from using these components, only transferring the overhead of using the lesser used components onto the user.
Shrey Banga
Bachelor of Technology, III year
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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