Then why not keep the dojox and just rebuild everything (minnus the demo and test files) into a single .js for the Dojo Plugin?

I really don't want 2 copies of this in the server, which would be worse than 1 larger copy....


Shrey Banga wrote:
Dojo does have a builder which can parse the dojo tree to create a single .js that is compressed and can be included with the webapp. Although this is intended for the purpose of speeding up webpages and avoiding lock up of resources while all the js is loaded, it can be used similarly for the purpose of the monitor console so that dojox can be removed from the repository and the .js that has been built can be included with the monitor. I think this would be a better approach than manually fishing out the required js. This should be the approach any geronimo user intending to use dojox features should use as they are bound to change in further releases. As Lin Sun pointed out, we shouldn't really be using the experimental features anyway. As and when these features are accommodated in the dojo/dijit components we can include them too.

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 2:29 AM, Lin Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Would it be possible that we release the monitor console piece as an
    external plugin where users can install it on demand?  That way,
    whoever wants to see the monitor console piece can install it along
    with the dojox dependency and we don't need to figure out/bundle which
    pieces of dojox we need.    Also, I am a bit surprised that we are
    using dojox as that is supposed to be incubator phase for dojo.


Shrey Banga
Bachelor of Technology, III year
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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