How much longer would it take to back port to 2.1.3, test the changes and update the 2.1 Docs?
Could you wrap it all up by next Friday (Sept. 5th)?


Lin Sun wrote:
I've made quite some changes to the custom server assembly portlet -
check it out.   I've tested some of these profile combinations, such
as Web by deploying the tomcat jsp example, Web + JMS + EJB by
deploying and running the calculator example and Web + web
services(Axis2) by deploying and running the jaxws-calculator example.
 I am not sure if we want to pull these into v2.1.3?


On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Time to start the discussion on winding down changes and preparing for a
Geronimo 2.1.3 release.

Server fixes/enhancements are listed on the Release Status page -

Details on included security fixes in dependent components are listed on the
Security page -

The only additional changes that I know of right now for 2.1.3 are Joe's
"compatibility plugins/artifact alias" changes.

Does anyone have additional fixes they would like to include in 2.1.3 before
we cut the branch and start the release process?


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