One option is to have an "import" tool, with which a user simply specifies
Tomcat's config dir and import the configurations and even the deployed
applications to Geronimo. Technical doable, but there are many details to
deal with, like resources, reamls, JAR version conflicts, etc. etc. It won't
be a trivial work to write such a tool.


2009/5/19 Bill Stoddard <>

> I know G can't consume tomcat configs today, but is this a feature that
> could be developed for G 2.2?
> Say I have an application successfully deployed and running under Tomcat..
>  wouldn't it be nice if I were able to drop the tomcat server config into a
> Geronimo-Tomcat assembly, start the server, deploy the app and be up and
> running in seconds.  I'm talking about a seamless, zero effort/zero touch
> migration from Tomcat to a Geronimo-Tomcat assembly.  Is it possible?  If
> not, what simplifying assumptions could be made to 'mostly' achieve a
> zero-touch migration?
> What are the primary challenges with consuming a tomcat config unchanged
> with a G-Tomcat assembly?  Same Q's apply for Jetty... what's 'doable'
> with-in reason?
> Thanks,
> Bill

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