On May 19, 2009, at 8:17 PM, Lin Sun wrote:

I am not a tomcat expert either... :-)  I think we could also try the
following approach:
1. figure out how to read tomcat server.xml like you described.
Tomcat is using
2. at the G server startup, transform data in tomcat server.xml into G
config.xml, if there is change to server.xml since last time server
started.  I think coming up for the mapping could be hard as
configuring some features like valve or cluster requires
documentation, time and experience.   Also, there could be some
functions/configurations in server.xml that we don't support in G yet.

I'm not sure about this idea. It seems really contrary to how most of geronimo works.... where we take some kind of plan and more or less freeze the configuration while "pre-deploying" it into a pretty much immutable plugin. I'm not convinced that accepting a new kind of plan for a few gbeans requires adding this "continual redeploy" functionality to geronimo.

3. During G startup, G can just build the embedded tomcat server by
reading data from config.xml, like what it is doing today.

config.xml doesn't have to contain any info on the tomcat server except that it ought to be started, i.e. listing the plugin. The gbean configurations are all serialized in the plugin. I'd generally prefer it if we dropped the ability to add gbeans to a plugin via config.xml.

AFAIK, server.xml doesn't contain any app info.   I agree that this is
a very big change and requires a lot of testing to make sure things
are not regressed.
Adding this new namespace driven builder is entirely new functionality so there is not really any chance of regressions unless we decide to deploy the "standard" tomcat server this way, which is certainly not necessary to adding the feature. So, to me the only problems are actually writing the deployer and making sure it at least sort of works.

david jencks


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 6:09 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm not enough of a tomcat expert to know exactly what information a
server.xml contains so I'm not quite sure how much the following makes

I think I would approach this by building a namespace aware builder that can interpret documents following the server.xml schema and construct the entire tomcat server from it. In other words, instead of starting with our current tomcat6 plugin, the builder would construct a replacement for it from the server.xml. If server.xml contains info on apps that are deployed in the tomcat instance, this could perhaps hook into or extend the current
TomcatModuleBuilder to also set up plugins for each web app involved.

The first part here might not be too hard. IMO if we treat the server.xml as a geronimo plan that would be acceptable. I'd recommend trying jaxb rather than using xmlbeans. I don't know how practical this would turn out
to be but it's worth starting with.

I personally think this is too large an addition to plan to get into 2.2. However if a motivated person shows up with something working before we solve the other problems I think we could consider it. 2.2 is already so
much later than we had planned I don't want to hold it up for any new
features after the other problems have been solved.

david jencks


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Bill Stoddard <wgstodd...@gmail.com >

I know G can't consume tomcat configs today, but is this a feature that
could be developed for G 2.2?

Say I have an application successfully deployed and running under
wouldn't it be nice if I were able to drop the tomcat server config into
Geronimo-Tomcat assembly, start the server, deploy the app and be up and running in seconds. I'm talking about a seamless, zero effort/ zero
migration from Tomcat to a Geronimo-Tomcat assembly. Is it possible?
not, what simplifying assumptions could be made to 'mostly' achieve a
zero-touch migration?
What are the primary challenges with consuming a tomcat config unchanged with a G-Tomcat assembly? Same Q's apply for Jetty... what's 'doable'
with-in reason?


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