> On Jun 14, 2022, at 2:44 AM, Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> yep, we probably dont have enough commiters to maintain it
> but instead of freezing, shouldnt we maybe think about how to make it more
> attractive and easier to get more contributors?
> we have sooo many contributors in PrimeFaces as the project structure is
> easier, everything in one repo, and so on
> if you check how many repositories we have for MP implementations, API,
> homepage, ...
> i always wondered about the whole EE projects and locations/structures in
> apache in general
> why is geronimo the place for specs in general?
> i always thought that combining some repos/projects in general would make
> contributions much more welcome and easier
> Wouldnt it be much more self-evident if we would have something like
> https://github.com/apache/ee-specifications?
> Wouldnt it be much more easier and more inviting if we would have all
> microprofile impls in one repo? The time we even safe for all that release
> trains

> On Jun 14, 2022, at 2:44 AM, Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> i always wondered about the whole EE projects and locations/structures in
> apache in general
> why is geronimo the place for specs in general?
> i always thought that combining some repos/projects in general would make
> contributions much more welcome and easier
> Wouldnt it be much more self-evident if we would have something like
> https://github.com/apache/ee-specifications?
> Wouldnt it be much more easier and more inviting if we would have all
> microprofile impls in one repo? The time we even safe for all that release
> trains

Large topic, but at one point in time Geronimo was the center of the universe 
for EE at Apache.  For example, the J2EE license agreement between Apache and 
Sun was managed by the then Geronimo PMC chair.  If another project had a TCK 
challenge, they needed to file a ticket in a JIRA project owned by the Geronimo 
PMC.  Geronimo people were heavily involved in bringing a lot of EE code into 
Apache during its strong years; OpenJPA, Yoko, OpenWebBeans, ActiveMQ, OpenEJB, 
CXF, etc.

Things that were generally too small to be their own top level projects stayed 
in Geronimo; transaction & connector implementation, specs, etc.

There was even a point in time were a project was being developed at Codehaus 
(GBean) that was perceived as only applicable to Geronimo and an attempt to 
undermine the project, so with board support those working on it were forced to 
move it into the Geronimo project to prove there was no attempts being made to 
undermine Geronimo.  OpenEJB and ActiveMQ were also moved from Codehaus to 
Apache to provide additional reassurance.  ActiveMQ and OpenEJB also started 
the XBean code in Geronimo to create a place to share random bits each project 
had in common and to further assure the Geronimo project.

There were several of us who felt the specs in particular might be better off 
in a common place, possibly Apache Commons, but that was against the tone at 
the time (see the above).

There was an attempt in the TomEE project to develop MicroProfile 
implementations that was met with some friction because that work wasn't being 
done in Geronimo.  I don't want to dig all that up again as it took several 
months to resolve.

The real trick is on the TomEE side of the fence we're switching to the 
SmallRye implementations.  This isn't because of where the code lives, but lack 
of resources to contribute to the Geronimo implementations and the significant 
amount of work getting them up to speed.

Maybe the best corse of action is to move them into the Apache Attic 
(https://attic.apache.org/)?  If TomEE or any Apache PMC decides they want them 
at some point in the future, that PMC could request the board to transfer the 

Thinking out loud.


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