Adam Murdoch wrote:

Steve Appling wrote:
I would love to change this name. I did not come from an Ivy background and have always felt this was awkward.

I have also always felt that using configurations to store paths and to specify a distribution archive were two very different uses that didn't belong together. I would like to see the archive part pulled out into another concept.

I agree. I think we have 2 separate concepts here: a project has dependencies, and a project has publications.

Dependencies are artifacts produced outside the project, which are used by the project in some way, whether that is in the build script, or at compile time, or execution time, or whatever.

Publications are artifacts produced by the project, and which are made available as dependencies for other projects.

An artifact may be an archive, or an xsl file, or an image file, or a license file, or a report, or some javadoc, or whatever. It's just a file shared between projects.

To me, the core of configurations are named dependencies.  I like:

dependencyNames {

dependencies {
   compile 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4'

I think "paths" are a little too generic. And paths.compile.asPath seems a little strange :)

I think we should merge what is currently configurations {} into what is dependencies { }, as John has suggested.

I prefer the implicit creation. I really don't buy the typo argument against it. I can't say I've ever had it happen in practise. Even if it does, the problem lasts about as long as it takes for Gradle to get to the compile task.

So, I think we should have something like:

dependencies {
   compile { transitive = false }  // what we have in configurations { }
   compile {
       transitive = false
dependency 'some-dep' // allow dependencies to be added directly to a Configuration
       dependency module('some-module') { ... }
compile 'some-dep' // this is simply a shortcut for compile { dependency('some-dep') }

I would model the elements of the dependencies container as composite dependencies, that is, each element is a Dependency to which other Dependency instances can be added. We might call it DependencySet or NamedDependency or CompositeDependency or DependencyConfiguration or something. We could get rid of configuration inheritence by allowing composite dependencies to be added to each other.

As for dependencies {}, I think we should also merge configurations { } into artifacts { }, and rename it to publications { }

publications {
   default {
       artifact myJar
   default myJar // this is a shortcut for default { artifact(myJar) }

Similar to Dependency, we would have a Publication type, and number of implementations. One would be a single file. Another would be a composite Publication to which other Publications can be added.

When a composite publication is published, the runtime dependencies to be included in the dependency descriptor are specified by the publications it contains. In the example above, when the 'default' publication is published, we know from how myJar is built, that it needs all the dependencies declared in the (incoming) 'runtime' dependency, so we just copy the dependencies across to the publication.

+1 to all of this - I think this is much better.
Steve Appling
Automated Logic Research Team

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