On 02/09/11 13:01, Bernd Fondermann wrote:

The only thing you can really do is write code that rocks, build an open
community and put out great releases.


However, I will add: 'competition is good, dispersion is no good'

It's true that similar projects already exist within Apache.

An example is the recent concerns of Hama on the Giraph project for the Pregel functionality. But Hama was still incubating and not having completed the Pregel.

Another example is Whirr and DeltaCloud, but they are implemented in different technologies.

Here, we already have a Java implementation of BigTable and I wonder what we'll gain with another one? Sounds to me like incubating a Tomcat equivalent, but with e.g. automatic authorization on HTTP request (I invent): not much sense...

If finally incubated, my *wishful thinking* is that both projects can come to share 'common components'. This is to me an argument for the incubation that could lead to a common-bigtable sub-project :)

But honestly, my thinking is that we are still more loosing focus in already very puzzled NoSQL world. Good for the consultants, bad for the users.

I wonder if all this thread should be moved to the incubator mailing list. After all, this is where the decision will occur.




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