Bill Stoddard wrote:

> How do you handle things like byterange requests if CACHE_IN is a network filter? The
> byterange filter will filter out all but the range requested so the CACHE_IN filter 
> never see the full response.  Ditto the output chunking filter. Also, there could be
> various content translation filters installed in the filter stack (ASCII <--> EBCDIC,
> language translation, whatever. The list is indeterminate so we cannot reliably put 
> into CACHE_IN to detect these conditions and not cache.

Hmmm - ok...

Part of the job of cache_storage.c is to handle optimisations. What
CACHE_IN can do is apply mod_gzip before delivering the content to the
cache, and if necessary mod_gunzip can be applied by CACHE_OUT before
delivery to any browser who did not negotiate a gzip encoding.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                "There's a moon
                                        over Bourbon Street

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