> > >
> > > My own opinion is that the cache should be the last content filter run.  
> > > it should probably be specified as the first HTTP_HEADER filter type.
> not necessarily.
> we have a situation where we need to uniquly modify outgoing HTML to
> insert ads and tracking things into the HTML (which is different for
> each user)
> we would mod_cache in the middle of the content chain.
> (ie cache the result from the CGI/proxy call) and then run a mod-include
> filter on top of that (possibly pushing the result through gzip)

Yep, you definitely need CACHE_OUT to be a CONTENT filter in this case since INCLUDES 
is a
CONTENT filter and you need INCLUDES to be run after CACHE_OUT. CACHE_OUT needs to be 
first CONTENT filter run (or alternately, just move the CACHE_OUT function directly 
the handler).

When you mention inserting ads into an HTML stream, I am trying to understand how this
works.  All the output from a page constructed with INCLUDES must be the same mime type
(text/html, whatever). That would seem to be a considerable limitation to using SSI (or
custom tags) to assemble pages.


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