Ian Holsman wrote:

> I dont see why the cache-filter could not live anywhere in the filter chain
> it could sit just after the handler (where it could cache a report generator)
> which would then feed into php/include
> it could sit after php/include and possibly after the gzip/byte ranges as well.

Because it's pointless to cache something twice.

The point behind mod_cache is to try and "walk the filter stack" as few
times as possible, and over as shorter distances as possible. The only
sane way of doing this is to cache as broadly as possible.

Remember you can define the URL prefix that is to be cached and how -
which in turn means that it theoretically possible to only cache
subrequests and not cache the main request. But - you will be doing this
because the user specifically configured their URLs like this, and not
because the module tried to second guess what the user wanted to

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                "There's a moon
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