Jim Jagielski wrote:
> At 8:42 AM +0200 9/4/01, Eli Marmor wrote:
> >
> >Then, the command "size mod_gzip.o" will be invoked, and its output, which
> >is based only on the REAL code (without the 90% debugging stuff, comments,
> >etc.) will be the base for a decision.
> >
> Certainly not the *sole* basis for a decision... :)

This was only an answer for anybody who was worried of the size.

In my message, I menioned the other issues (i.e. independency on zlib,

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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