Hi Kevin,

> Guenter Knauf wrote...

>> Hi,
>> I was glad as Ian contributed his mod_gz; I tested it on Linux and Win32
>> and it works for me.
> What did you test?
that it compiles, loads into server and compresses.
> How 'heavily loaded' was the Server?
you're right, I did only a quick test with some huge text pages; and I didnt compare 
against your mod_gzip; but real comparing isnt possible yet because then I have to 
compare also Apache 1.3 with 2.0: I dont have your 2.0 gzip module.

> Did you just ask for 1 thing, see if it came back compressed, and you
> are calling that 'success'?
see above: I cannot compare against what I dont have.
> There's a LOT more to it than that.
maybe; and after I've read your long letter I see some things clearer...

>> And even if a module compiles without changes and no
>> porting is needed it's not guaranteed to run.
>> The best sample is mod_gzip: I use it on Linux and Win32, but on
>> NetWare the module compiles fine but doesnt work!
first of all you see I use your module and I know of the benefits of saving bandwidth 
or else I woudnt try to get it on all platforms.

> This was/is an Apache 1.3.x issue only and this issue
> was resolved on the mod_gzip forum. mod_gzip forum users have been
> VERY good at helping each other out. mod_gzip for Apache 1.3.x doesn't
> work 'out of the box' for IBM's rewrite of Apache, either, and in both
> cases it's because those vendors are re-writing Apache headers and making
> changes that are not in the standard Apache distributions ( or even
> available anywhere online ).
That's not true! I have downloaded your complete 12MB archive and searched for 
'netware': not one thread dealing with NetWare, so please direct me to the message 
where the issue is solved!!
I found 'netware' a couple of times and it was always a #ifdef line from a patch for 
getting POST to work. I found nothing related to the general failure of mod_gzip on 
NetWare! Also you can see in your archive what happens to other platforms which are 
not delivered with a complete C/C++ development as Unix/Linux: they try to compile 
with Borland and many other things...
That's my mainly reason why I want to see a gzip module in the Apache sources: then it 
will be build for all platforms and distributed with the binaries. 
With all non *nix platforms you had to buy very expensive compilers; only since a 
short time we're now able to compile with gcc for Win32 (CygWin) and NetWare 

> That being said... if I recall a number of the Netware problem
> reports were simply from people that didn't realize you CAN use
I wonder who should this be? I know only one other who compiles for NetWare self...
and again please show me this reports, in the 12 MB mail archive is nothing!

> mod_gzip to compress your SSL output but it takes a special
> configuration. People were reporting output lengths of ZERO
> in the compression statistics in ACCESS_LOG and didn't realize
> that what happens is that SSL 'steals away' the connection handles
> under Apache 1.3.x and delivers the responses outside of the
> normal Apache delivery process. The pages were being delivered
> fine but without the special configuration for mod_gzip they
> were simply not being compressed.
Well Kevin, if you believe I'm too stupid to check if I have loaded SSL, TLS or 
something like that, then we stop discussion here. I told you more than one time that 

Also I dont know why you discontinued in helping me find the bug (whereever it sits). 
I was glad that you immediatly replied a few times and it seemed to me that you were 
interested in supporting a new platform. Last thing was that I sent you a debug file 
created from mod_gzip, and I hoped that you could point me to something ot give some 
hints because you know exactly what your code should do, but then nothing came back...

Again: I'm interested in getting mod_gzip working on NetWare with Apache 1.3, I'm able 
to compile your module as well as the whole server, I have a testmachine and when you 
give me patches, hints, tips or whatever you have I will test it and let you know the 

> There are 'patches' available for mod_gzip that solve the Netware
> and IBM HTTPD issues. I believe Bill Stoddard himself is currently
please point me to this patch or send it to me and I will immediatly check it...

> I don't personally have/use Netware ( or IBM's HTTPD ) but other users on
> the mod_gzip forum worked this out for themselves, as any good forum group
> will do.
again: please point me to this patch or send it to me and I will immediatly check it...

please notice that I like your module and still interested in getting it working on 

Thanks, Guenter.

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