On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Eli Marmor wrote:

> Igor Sysoev wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Zvi Har'El wrote:
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > In my mod_deflate module (for Apache 1.3.x) I'd enabled by default
> > "text/html" only. You can add or remove another type with DeflateTypes
> > directive. Here are some recomendations:
> > 
> > application/x-javascript   NN4 does not understand it compressed.
> > text/css                   the same.
> > 
> > text/plain   Macromedia FlashPlayer 4.x-5.x does not understand it
> >              compressed when get it with loadVariables() function via browser.
> > text/xml     Macromedia FlashPlayer 5.x does not understand it
> >              compressed when get it with XML.load() function via browser.
> > 
> > application/x-shockwave-flash   FlashPlayer plugin for NN4 for Windows
> >              does not understand it compressed. Although plugin for Linux
> >              NN4 work correctly.
> > 
> > text/rtf                       MSIE 4.x-6.x understand correctly them
> > application/msword             when compressed. NN and Opera does not.
> > application/vnd.ms-excel
> > application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
> I want to add that these issues (what to compress and what to leave as-
> is), were discussed very deeply and heavilly in the mod_gzip list.
> If we don't adopt mod_gzip but develop our own mod_deflate (both are
> good, by the way), we should at least use the long experience that
> mod_gzip has had.
> After being used in so many installations, and even being included in
> leading Linux distros, there is almost no combination of format/browser
> that has not been tested yet.
> Your research, Igor, is very helpful (and Zvi's as well), but we can
> base more default definitions on the defaults (or conclusions) of
> mod_gzip.

By default my mod_deflate compresses content if:
1. mime type is text/html;
2. request is not proxied;
3. request is HTTP/1.1;

As far as I know mod_gzip use only first rule by default.
My rules are safer.
Also mod_gzip has not workaround with broken browaers.

> The list of default definitions may become quite long, but putting it
> inside an IfModule section, which separates it from the other parts of
> httpd.conf, may help. I believe that the improvement in bandwidth,
> deserves the price in size of httpd.conf.

Igor Sysoev

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