> rbb         02/04/05 09:50:37
>   Modified:    modules/generators mod_autoindex.c
>   Log:
>   This is a HACK! 

Why would it be difficult for the core to preserve OLD_WRITE in the subreq
filter chain?  We knew how to do that in 2.0.32.  One would hope we get smarter
as we get more experienced.

>         The problem is that the fast_internal_redirect is removing the OLD_WRITE 

I'm going to try it on my box without this patch, and with no Multiviews (to get
rid of fast_internal_redirects for HEADER and README).  If that works with HEAD
as well as it did in 2.0.32, great!  If not, I think we need to do better.


p.s. why do I care?  I'm working on a SpecWeb99 module for Apache 2.0.  The way
I see it working is using ap_rputs to generate a little bit of dynamic html,
then running a subrequest to send a file, then using ap_rputs to generate a
small trailer.  That would work in 2.0.32.  IMO it should also work in a GA

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