On Tue, 28 May 2002, Joshua Slive wrote:

> Sure, I agree with all that.  I'm just trying to figure out the use-case
> for having "Include dir/" recursively include subdirectories.  If there is
> such a case, we should keep it, but I don't know if there is.

In my experience tremendously useful in server farms which central CVS
controlled 'stock' configs - using things like 'depot' and symlinks; you
link in your base-line farm wide directories; your server specific ones;
map in what you do on a per functionality block. While still allowing
modularity and central management. Also - when using coda, afs or evil
things like amd - it really allows you 'boot' up a web server, or with a
graceful restart, (re)configure a virgin server without any concatenation
or editing operations on the box.


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