* Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> I believe mod_authz_host is a much better name for mod_access.  It
> indicates that this module is only dealing with authorization based
> on the remote host components.  mod_access can mean lots of things,
> but the fact that it was solely restricted to hostnames wasn't
> obvious to me from the original module name.  -- justin

hmm. It can also deny/allow from all, env or subnet. So I guess,
mod_access is not really a bad name for the module, for (not serious)

BrowserMatch MSIE dont-like-your-browser
Deny from env=dont-like-your-browser


my @japh = (sub{q~Just~},sub{q~Another~},sub{q~Perl~},sub{q~Hacker~});
my $japh = q[sub japh { }]; print join       #########################
 [ $japh =~ /{(.)}/] -> [0] => map $_ -> ()  #            André Malo #
=> @japh;                                    # http://www.perlig.de/ #

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