Geoffrey Young wrote:
I can see how that might work in some (even most) circumstances.  but
requiring filters to rewrite things like default_handler just because it
makes it difficult to behave properly is asking a bit much.  but
default_handler and mod_autoindex are the only core things I can think of at
the moment :)

Not rewrite any existing handlers, and certainly not rewrite the default_handler, just create and insert their own handler that runs before the default_handler. These types of handlers can be very simple and easy to write. Mostly they would just check some data (maybe headers), set some flags or headers, and install a filter for later processing.

I believe the decision was also motivated by a desire to make the 304
as streamlined as possible. Why run a 304 through *all* of the filters and
associated processing if the effort was just to be thrown away and a 304

precisely because you can't possibly know whether the 304 is valid until
every potentially-content-altering filter has run - because we're offering a
filtering API (as opposed to only supporting core filters), each third party
filter can use _absolutely whatever criteria it wants_ to decide whether it
will alter the content.  I could give an(other) example, but I fear people
on the list are tiring of this already, so I'll give it a rest :)

Agreed, doing the short circuited version is not 100% accurate under every circumstance. I think the hope was that between filter_init and handler/filter hybrids we could cover all the exception cases. It might not be the easiest method, but it provides the easy and optimized approach for most of the default cases. There was a lot of effort to avoid programming the default behavior to the handle exception case since this adds a performance burden on the normal path. This may be a case where we decided to shortcircuit and shouldn't have.

I agree that this is a potential pitfall. Perhaps not all situations can be
addressed by a handler/filter hybrid. But moving the meets_condition logic
to a filter doesn't address all of what my fix does.


My feeling right now is to commit
my patch and address the meets_condition question as a seperate issue.

yes, I'm terribly sorry that the two got jumbled together, thus distracting
potential reviewers away from your work - it's entirely my fault.

You brought up a good, and related, issue. That's your fault. :)

so, I'll end it here :)

I think the meets_condition issue you bring up is valid and needs to be talked about and addressed. Please don't let it drop. I just think my patch covers more than the 304 case that caught your attention and is thus a somewhat seperate issue. (related, but seperate) I didn't mean my declaration to commit as an end to discussing your issue.


-- Paul J. Reder ----------------------------------------------------------- "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure." -- Albert Einstein

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