At 09:13 AM 7/16/2004, Graham Leggett wrote:
>Brian Akins wrote:
>>Because the cache_in filter gets added in the quick_handler.  The 
>>fast_internal_redirect in mod_dir which translates / to /index.html (or whatever) 
>>seems to lose this filter, so it never gets cached.
>Then I'd say the fix should be to teach mod_dir to not lose the cache filter.

In that case, scrub *all* of the invocations of fast_internal_redirect...

it was added in 1.3 for mod_negotation, to be used with multiviews.
There was a long debate if its behavior was healthy.  Since this (and
several other nagoya reports) seem to have unhealthy side effects,
we need to drop that semantic, **everywhere**, and deprecate the


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