> What many people want is to drop support for other servers, and have an 
> apache2-only module, with close integration ( use httpd.conf instead of 
> special config file, etc ). For such a module - it would make much more 
> sense to bundle it with apache IMO - one of the pain points is compiling 
> the module and installing it in apache ( binary distributions are tricky). 

Again, I don't know what percentage of the Apache/Tomcat user population I represent, 
but the situation described above, if it ever came true, would leave me and the 
programmers I work with absolutely *elated*, not to mention in a stronger position to 
recommend Apache/Tomcat to our clients/bosses over other, non-open-source alternatives.


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Costin Manolache
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation to HTTPD commiters in tomcat-dev

Manni Wood wrote:

> Perhaps I just don't undestand how infrequently Apache and Tomcat get used together.
> I was under the impression (perhaps incorrectly) that they get used together often 
> enough to warrant the plugin's inclusion with the Apache source code. (After all, 
> both projects *are* ASF projects.) But it's perfectly possible that I, and all the 
> web developers I've worked with over the years, are not an accurrate representation 
> of the Apache user base as a whole.
> If the module is not included as a part of Apache, and instead ships with Tomcat, it 
> would sadden me and many web developers I know, but, Andre, as you point out, there 
> are good reasons for your line of thinking.

The ajp protocol is also used by jetty and possibly other servlet 

One of the reasons mod_jk was bundled with tomcat was that it supports 
multiple web servers, and both apache2 and apache1.3.

What many people want is to drop support for other servers, and have an 
apache2-only module, with close integration ( use httpd.conf instead of 
special config file, etc ). For such a module - it would make much more 
sense to bundle it with apache IMO - one of the pain points is compiling 
the module and installing it in apache ( binary distributions are tricky).


> -Manni
> -----Original Message-----
> From: André Malo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 1:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Invitation to HTTPD commiters in tomcat-dev
> * "Manni Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Having proxy_ajp included in httpd v2.0 would be a good thing - there is
>>>>a base of users for it (with it's more advanced handling of things like 
>>>>indicating secure connections, etc it's useful).
>>>Hmm. I'd include rather in tomcat distribution than httpd-2.0. That seems
>>>to be way more logical.
>>I'd include it in Apache, not Tomcat.
>>It's an apache module, after all,
> oh? Like all the other hundreds of modules out there? mod_perl? mod_python?
> Sorry, that's not an argument.
> nd

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