Mladen Turk wrote:

Graham Leggett wrote:

Thing is it's easier for end users to not have to mess around with third party builds if it can possibly be avoided, and it's the needs of the end users who are the most important, not the developers.

It was the main reason why we tried to go beyond the concepts of jk/jk2 and
co. Also, nowadays almost every server implementation requires some sort of
dynamic context delivery.
Ajp concept has a nice feature not being dependant on any external toolkits
like for example mod_perl and php are, so it's a good candidate for
inclusion inside the core distribution.

The fact that the current module has to be built separately is a huge issue for the users of the module, making such a module a built in addition to proxy will make people's lives easier.

Henri tried to see if there is a common interest to possibly make a mod_ajp
part of the core distribution.
Think that discussion is leading to use the mod_proxy like a container for
ajp protocol, that could be fine, but something like mod_proxy concept we
already have in the jk2, called modular protocol. The main reason why we are
trying to make a successor for jk/jk2 is simplicity and static set of
requirements. Trying again to use the something would lead to the same
problems thought.

I don't think that it is necessary for a mod_ajp to be included inside the
mod_proxy, although they are sharing some common concepts. Having load
balancer on top of mod_proxy would be a nice feature, but the main purpose
for them is different.
The purpose of mod_ajp is to communicate with the (one or more of them in a
cluster) application servers using ajp13+ protocol; simple as that. Proxy
module has a conceptually different approach, and it is meant to be used for
different purposes.

I think it would be better that we develop the module inside j-t-c tree, and
kindly ask the guys to see if there is a possibility to include it in the
core distribution, when we reach some level of stability.

Good resume Mladen.

Many nice things was discussed on this thread :

- adding load-balancing/fault-tolerant support for mod_proxy.

  A nice features to provide to mod_proxy users, and as such not
  dedicated to tomcat users.

  So it could (should ?) be an extension developped by mod_proxy and
  HTTPD team. And if they could make the lb/ft algorythm easy
  configurable (ie handling JSESSION_ID), it will be perfectly feeted
  for users who want to use the HTTP/1.1 connector of their servlet
  engines (tomcat of course, but it could be others like jetty).

- adding ajp_proxy support to mod_proxy.

  With that mod_proxy could relay request to ajp:// pseudo URL.
  JK/JK2 developpers should learn how to make a mod_proxy sub
  module, and play for example with brigade :)

  In such case, there is no direct lb/ft support, so it will depend
  on the previously mentionned support in mod_proxy itself.

- creating a mod_ajp which will mimics mod_proxy features but with jk/jk2 features in mind.

   - our actual lb/ft support (which should be more simple or better

   - at a later time, dynamic topology (tomcat clusters state changes,
     application state in each tomcat, update of tomcat load level...)

I'm more than pleased to read that httpd members see mod_ajp/ajp_proxy
as something to be included in HTTPD tree, now or may be after an incubation period in the jakarta-tomcat-connector sub project.

Of course it will make the couple Apache/Tomcat ready to use and as such
easier for some of us to 'sell' to their clients and IT managers.

So what should we do now ?

- An initial step seems to extract all ajp functionnalities from jk/jk2,
  into an ajp library (or some c/h files).
  Basic AJP functions should use APR for all OS/NET/MEMORY operations
  and there is some code ready for this in jk2.

  - int ajp_open_connection(ajp_connection_t **, char *, apr_port_t)

  - int ajp_close_connection(ajp_connection_t *)

  - int ajp_send_request_headers(ajp_connection_t *, apr_table_entry_t *);

  - int ajp_send_request_datas(ajp_connection_t *, apr_pool_t *)
  - int ajp_receive_reply(ajp_connection_t *, apr_pool_t *)

  All of this should be using only APR objects like apr_socket_t,
  apr_sockaddr_t, apr_table_entry_t (headers), apr_pool_t...

  Next advanced AJP functions will forward a complete
  Apache 2 request to a tomcat. Many objects part of the Ap2 request
  are allready available in the Basic AJP functions, ie for headers
  the apr_table_entry_t...

We could then work on a mod_ajp prototype, using only env var for example, to redirect a request to the correct named ajp instance (don't speak about worker).

With such simple prototype we could see which hooks should be implemented, probably only ap_hook_handler/ap_hook_post_config.

Actually jk 1.2.x may implements too many hooks, I didn't see any
Apache 2 modules with all of these :



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