--On Friday, March 4, 2005 8:56 AM -0700 Brad Nicholes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually I think the better syntax would be:

<AuthProviderAlias ldap Myldap1>
   ...config options for mod_authnz_ldap...

<AuthProviderAlias ldap Myldap2>
   ...config options for mod_authnz_ldap...

<AuthProviderAlias file Myfile1>
   ...config options for mod_auth...

<Location /foo1>
   AuthProvider Myldap1 Myfile1
   ...Other config options...
<Location /foo2>
   AuthProvider Myldap2 Myfile1
   ...Other config options...
<Location /foo3>
   AuthProvider Myldap1 Myldap2
   ...Other config options...

This would allow you to mix-match-reuse-redefine auth configurations
anywhere you like.  I haven't thought this through completely from an
implementation standpoint, but by moving the provider definitions into
mod_auth_basic and then extending the framework for handling multiple
provider definitions into the providers themselves, I think we can come
out with something very useful and reuseable.

Actually, I think we could move this into a (new) mod_authn_alias/config or something and make it generic - tieing it into mod_auth_basic would mean it couldn't be used by mod_auth_digest. The key here from the implementation perspective is that we would know what the 'real' provider name is as well - so we wouldn't have to tie it to the module. mod_authn_alias would register a 'fake' provider that merges the auth's per_dir_config before executing the 'real' provider.

So, yah, I like this. -- justin

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