At 09:43 AM 6/16/2005, Brad Nicholes wrote:
>    I have run into this one also and I still don't understand why the make is 
> all of the sudden asking for yacc when this all worked before.  Since neither 
> mod_ssl nor BSD sockets are part of the standard NetWare build, this isn't a 
> show stopper.  But I would like to understand what happened and how to fix it.

If I had to guess;

 * The most recent tarballs have been pulled together with SVN's
   absolutely bogus default of [miscellany] use-commit-times = no
   (see your ~/.svn/config, where you can uncomment this section
   and option).

   This means they are checkout dates, which are entirely useless.
   It means any dependencies that WOULD be resolved by our commit
   order are no longer resolved and force rebuilds.

 * There was an extra 'touch' to the datestamps for these files
   at one time; this may not have occurred in the last package.

 * Depending on the tool used to unpack the source tarball, that
   tool might not be date preserving; this would invalidate anything
   we attempted above to prevent rebuilding these targets.

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