
* Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-01-10 09:22:18]:

> > I guess you've been using binaries compiled long ago, before the API
> > breakage, but since a lot of improvments and changes in the APR during
> > this period of time, I just wonder how the whole thing can
> > work.
> No.  The scripts use mod-mbox-util.

Hum, it's a bit strange to have this fallback to the helper programs,
anyway I'm pleased to know that this still works.

> > Next, I would like to make you notice that these scripts do not belong
> > the the module's source code because they are not useful and made for
> > the mod_mbox user (as an admin) but only for an internal purpose. Thus
> > I propose that we move the scripts directory one level up :
> I think they do belong and should be included in a release.  Namely, I
> don't buy Roy's arguments against including them.  The potential benefit to
> understanding how mod_mbox works outweighs the slight cost of including
> some small scripts.  If anyone ever bothers to rewrite them, more power to
> them.  However, not including *any* documentation or examples in the
> tarball seems much worse than excluding these scripts.

And having a bunch of non-understandable scripts is maybe worse : they
make mod_mbox looks complicated, something it is not.

Again, I don't see how these scripts help. There are not documented,
and they don't seem to do much more than an rsync, some
renaming/linking and calling mod-mbox-util. Having a dozen of scripts
doing basically the same thing, without any documentation on how they
work and on the mbox-archives.conf file you seem to provide them
... Nah, that's useless.

If one is able to build mod_mbox and make Apache use it, he is also
able to setup his archives as described in the online documentation.

- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (http://www.bulix.org)
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.

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