We have a serious issue to determine, and I've asked for a 48 hour cooldown
of wiki.apache.org/httpd/ to make a decision, and in the meantime asked that
the wiki become read-only for the conclusion of this decision.

 [  ] Our httpd wiki is open to external resources for httpd.
 [  ] External httpd resources are prohibited.

I mean this explicitly, obviously a link to MS/Sun/RedHat about their
specific platform would be genuinely useful and relevant.

I'm asking about askapache's external links, which have not been actually
contributed to the foundation.  And we've never presumed that pointers to
external links are resources under the AL.

AskApache and megaspaz decided to start a pagechange war tonight, but the
first point is to decide if such external 'helpful pages' are welcome.

If so, AskApache was in the right, if not, megaspaz is right.  Either way,
I immediately asked for infra to shutter the wiki to write access until this
was resolved as a matter of POLICY.

Once we determine a policy, I belive we owe megaspaz and AskApache a second
chance once they are informed of the definative policy.

Future wiki abuse would, of course, lead to account and IP blockage.  But
I believe at this moment both acted in best-faith without any guidance from
our project, and we need to have policies so folks can be responsible wiki

This isn't the end-all of all possibilities, but let's discuss for 2 days
and reopen the wiki with a concrete policy?


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