William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> We have a serious issue to determine, and I've asked for a 48 hour cooldown
> of wiki.apache.org/httpd/ to make a decision, and in the meantime asked that
> the wiki become read-only for the conclusion of this decision.
>  [XX] Our httpd wiki is open to external resources for httpd.
>  [  ] External httpd resources are prohibited.
> I mean this explicitly, obviously a link to MS/Sun/RedHat about their
> specific platform would be genuinely useful and relevant.

I believe that Wikis must be able to link to external sites -- just like
we do in the regular documentation.

However, just like the the regular documentation, these links are
generally restricted to Vendors, or other long standing and stable
sites. (or... example.com)

I believe we can look to wikipedia's linking policy as a good example of
how to build a 'policy' that people can understand:


In this case: AdSense covered personal blogs especially from people who
do not contribute in other mediums doesn't seem like a good place to be
linking to.

On the revision war: I don't like it;  I do believe AskApache's link
should be removed.  I don't blame megaspaz, he was using the tools
available, trying to communicate with AskApache that the link was
unacceptable.  The larger problem is that the AskApache person has
never, AFAIK, made themselves known on the mailing list, or other
mediums, making it impossible to communicate with them in other manners.

On a policy: My opinion doesn't fit into a hard and fast rule, and
rather relies upon discretion.


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