Jorge Schrauwen wrote:
>> One major issue is;
>> where MS's response was entirely unsatisfactory w.r.t. POSIX compliance.
> Does MS ever follow standards? I know most programs don't compile in
> 64-bit while there is no obvious reason it shouldn't. USE_32BIT_TIME_T
> usually fixes that... that link you gave me seems to explain why :)

Of course we toggle that for 32 bit builds; trouble is - for a 64 bit build
we really don't want to use a tiny-time_t, true?

But maybe that is the answer, for now :-/

> Are there any others that convalent? I don't mind linking to just one
> but it would seem unfair to just provided one when there are possibly
> more.

Agreed; is anyone aware of other commercial companies offering supported
Apache httpd Win32 packages?


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