Issac Goldstand wrote:
> You know, I often think of offering this from my own consulting company;
> but I often wonder what exactly it entails...  It worries me that I'd be
> inviting myself to get sued for a bug that already e4xists in Apache,
> whether or not I'm able to get it subsequently fit.  Would it be asking
> too much for you to put on your Covalent hat for a moment, pretend that
> I'm a prospective client and tell me what Covalent would and would not
> commit to support/warranty wise?  Or am I being way to presumptuous by
> asking?

It's based on a contract / SLA's and the like, and I'm not really the
person to explain it  (I'm the one they club like a baby seal to get
the customer's bugs fixed yesterday :)  So I'll bounce the question off
someone else and see if I can get an 'official' answer for you.

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