Sander Temme wrote:
> On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> It is mostly the same people, regardless.  Bill could tag 0.9.15
>> and start a release vote on APR while Jim rebuilds 2.0.x based
>> on that tag and starts another release vote here.  That way, lazy
>> folks like me can test both at once.

I'm rolling APR snaps no later than first thing Wed a.m.

No issue if Jim combines an apr release candidate with an httpd
candidate, as long as everyone is ok that if apr goes boom, httpd
would need to be rerolled.

This is pretty stable code, so I'm not worried.

With the Darwin fixes, I'd almost like to see 2.2.6 rerolled, with
no change to httpd.  Does anyone else find an objection to that?
Jim, would it inflict too much pain to do this wed/thus?

If y'all say we want it, I'll add APR 1.2.x to the list of things
to roll by Wed a.m.


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