Hello Steffen,

I'm a Tomcat committer but not part of the httpd project. Nevertheless
as all projects we also need to control, how release candidates get
distributed. On the one hand we want a lot of testers to participate, on
the other hand we need to unambiguously tell people downloading the
code, that it's a non-release.

After you wrote you feedback mail concerning test results for 2.2.5 I
was curious and clicked on your download link. I remember that I was
astonished, that the 2.2.5 download on that page was not further
qualified as being pre-release, release candidate or similar. It could
well be, that such an information would have been presented to me, in
case I had tried to actually download, which I did not. But at first
glance I could not see any information, that 2.2.5 wasn't yet released.

Sometimes the problem is in the details. I hope you will soon open up
your important community service at apachelounge again.



Steffen wrote:
The angst over Steffen's build sounds a bit more territorial than legal to me. Just my 2c worth...

Tom, indeed that is  my feeling : territorial.

There is more, see my next post about the Apache Feather I have to remove.


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