William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

-0.5 PLEASE not in the core. Make mod_wombat a standard module and part of the default moduleset, whatever, but let's not make more core dependencies, please?!?

-0.99 - agreed.  Perl is perfectly happy having <perl> blocks as modular
behaviors... I've noticed a trend in the last few years of building on the
core (and folks rightfully accused me of growing mod_proxy core when new
directives are rightfully part of mod_proxy_{whatever}).

Let's focus on keeping it in useful pieces, even if they are built by

-0.99 - agree with wrowe.

I looked at the option of supporting different configuration providers a while back, I was researching the idea that configuration could be stored in LDAP instead of flat files, and it seemed pretty straightforward (didn't have time to explore further).

What I did find is that it is quite possible to support pluggable configuration options, it isn't difficult: your configuration module must somehow render config lines which are pumped into the core. How those lines come into existence, whether sourced from flat file, rows in a database, or rendered by a programming language, is up to you.

One further thing PLEASE not the default. I don't have the time in my day to learn a whole programming language just to configure my webserver.

The problem that needs solving is to find an acceptable tradeoff between allowing the mod_rewrite fans to do complex stuff, while at the same time letting us mere mortals do the simple stuff as well without any drama. Please don't lose sight of that.


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