Hi Devs and fellow list lurkers,

I finally took the time to give this SNI business a try.
I compiled the latest branch for the SVN with Kasper's patch on Windoze. After a hurdle with OpenSSL 098i that Tom Donovan was kind enough to help me jump over, I've got
2.2.11-dev with SNI working on Windows. Built with VC6.

I've seen no word on anyone testing this on Windows so I thought I would chime in. I've been wanting this for longer than I can remember, 1.3.something. I've been following this testy at times thread but have gotten lost. I've seen the latest follow-up thread but am
still uncertain as to any status at all.

Has it been committed to Trunk which paves the way for a "possible" backport?
Has any security implications (seem to remember one mentioned) been tamed?

I'm still uncertain about IE7, I see Yes for Vista and No for XP but I've seen that statement contradicted. I (personally) have no problem forcing a visitor to use a compatible browser short of forcing them to Vista, but I'm not selling wares on my website either which would
become more of a concern I imagine.

At least I have it now and am not afraid to diff/patch/diff/patch my way along till either 2.4
rolls out or it is finally backported into Branch.

Thanks Kasper for the patch
Thanks Tom for your help as always.
Thanks in advance to anyone that will nudge this ball further up the hill.


Kaspar Brand wrote:
That's the version I still consider suitable for check-in to trunk
(attached again for convenience). A backport to 2.2.x is available at


If, on the other hand, people think that SNI isn't important enough for
2.2.x, then I'd be glad to hear that as well (it doesn't make sense to
repeatedly nag the list about that topic, I think).

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