From the Windows Peanut Gallery,

  [ ] +1 to release as 2.3.1-beta
  [X] +1 to release as 2.3.1-GA

Builds great (good Win32 build instructions), module loads quietly,
works wonderfully with existing config and shaves an average of two
seconds off a simple and straightforward "chew on this for awhile"
benchmark script I have.

The most major change was handling modern win32 apr calls, and filling
in the basic pathing variables by platform to help launch the cgid
process in the first place.

I'd prefer GA over beta .. for Win32 anyway, most of this is tested plenty already depending on the difference in how APR 1.3.x is handled from the "unofficial" mod_fcgid patches for this out there that we've been using since 2.2.9, which is quite stable.


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