On Sep 25, 2013, at 8:07 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. <wmr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Before we incorporate it... can we have some sense of the impact of the 
> optimization?  So far we don't have much data to go on.

From the orig post: "My benchmarks show decreased latency and a performance 
boost of ~5% (on avg)"

> There is talk of releasing some apr 1.5 enhancements.  I'd personally favor 
> adding skip list to apr rather than -util or httpd, since it could be useful 
> core functionality, and 2.0 drops the distinction anyways. 

Fine, in fact, I agree that it "really" belongs in apr,
but it means that 2.4.7 will be required apr 1.5.

Is the httpd PMC OK with that?

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