On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 09:51:43 -0700
Jacob Champion <champio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm somewhat on the outside looking in, as an httpd newbie. But my 
> standard experience (it's happened two or three times now) is this:
> 1) Non-trivial patch is proposed to the list with calls for 
> discussion/debate.
> 2) Nothing happens.
> 3) List is pinged for comments.
> 4) Silence.
> 5) Patch author either gives up or pings relentlessly until...
> 6) ...patch is applied directly to trunk without discussion.

Thanks for the perspective.  Yes, it's sometimes uncomfortable.

> I'd rather not feel like I'm just annoying dev@ until you submit my 
> stuff -- I want to *talk* about it, and improve the server.

That may not be easy.  You need to find someone who'll be
interested in an idea or patch, and has the time to review it.
Plus, the community as a whole to agree it's a good idea,
or at least not actively oppose it.

I wonder if workflow would be improved if we had named
maintainers for particular parts of the codebase - for
example individual modules?  Not necessarily to do all
the work, but to take primary responsibility to see that
your ideas don't just fall through the gaps and get ignored?

Nick Kew

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